Words I Dont Understand


4000 silkscreen page book.


148mm x 210mm x 1000mm

This book sculpture was created by screen printing 200 A2 sheets of acid-free paper with pages of the dictionary where the word dyslexia should exist. The screenprint was done to create abstract marks where the ink would bleed in certain areas, with clear words in others. The screen prints were then cropped into A4 sheets to create A5 book signatures. These signatures were then hand sewn together with a Coptic stitch
bind. The book sculpture had a total of 3200 pages in total. The book sculpture was made because of my love for books and handbound books. The work was created during de Beer’s BAFA final exhibition in 2015. This print work like many on the exhibition was a representation of her dyslexic experience. The title “Words I Don’t Understand” and the number of pages of the book speaks to the number of challenges I faced as a dyslexic in mainstream schooling and how little help was offered from within the system. 

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